


Memberships Cost: $20.00

‘Ordinary’ membership is open to members of the community 18 years and over and consist of Senior, and Service memberships as from time to time laid down by the Executive Committee.

‘Junior’ membership is open to members of the community sixteen – seventeen years of age for the purposes of playing sport in the various adjuncts of the club.

All members are required to complete a nomination form which is available form the club.  Two current financial members of the St John’s Club Inc., are to nominate and second the proposed membership.  Fees, as from time to time laid down by the Executive Committee,  will be paid upon registration.  The nomination will  then go to the next Executive Committee meeting to be approved.

‘Life Members’ are either members who have been awarded Life Membership on Merit for special services to the Club or members who had completed 20 years of continual membership prior to 1990.

Membership Cards are issued upon acceptance of membership and are valid from April 1st until March 31st each year.  Cards must be carried at all times when in the Club.

2019 Membership Form