The newly opened natural green is now ready for play. Members interested in having a game of bowls should contact the Bowling Club.
Welcome to the Dance Adjunct. The adjuncts runs a dance night on the second Sunday of each month with practice and learning sessions on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 11.00am till noon. Special themed dance nights are held during the year.
Welcome to the Texas Poker Adjunct The adjunct hold it’s Club nights each Friday night from 7pm and attends the odd tournament out of town.
Pigeon Racing
Welcome to the St John’s Pigeon Racing Adjunct. A warm welcome to all clubs and members interested in Pigeon Racing an interesting sport for all the family. The club has two main racing seasons, March to Queens Birthday weekend June which is known as the young bird season. This is for birds bred the previous August through to approximately Christmas. …
Welcome to the Seniors Adjunct where Life begins at 55 plus. Apart from regular trips away, the adjunct meets on the second Tuesday of each month. New members welcome. The Annual subscription is $5.00 payable to the Treasurer or Chairperson. During the Indoor Bowls season the Adjunct competes in the Annual Benson Shield Challenge against Castlecliff Club
Welcome to the Garden Adjunct The adjunct meets on occasions for Pot Luck luncheon with guest speakers, trading table and competitions. Several times during the year Gardern rambles are organise visiting established gardens around the lower north island.
Welcome to the St John’s Fishing Adjunct. A warm welcome is extended to all Clubs New Zealand visitors looking for good fishing spots. Our season runs from 1st April to 31st March each year. As well as contests, there are a number of trophies keenly competed for over the season for sea and fresh water fishing.
Welcome to the St John’s Golf Adjunct. The home of the “Nation Cup” A warm welcome is extended to all Clubs New Zealand visitors looking for a game of Golf. New members are most welcome. The annual subscription is $10.00 (members must be financial members of St John’s Club Inc.).
Indoor Bowls
Welcome to the Indoor Bowls Club. A warm welcome is extended to all Clubs New Zealand visitors looking for a game of Indoor bowls. Club nights are held weekly on Monday nights from March to September. Names registered by 6.45pm.
Punters Club The Punters Club have the occasional trip to a race meeting within the central district. To date the days out have been enjoyed emmensly by the members. New members are always welcome but must be a member of St John’s Club before joining the Punters Club.
Welcome to the St John’s Club Dart Club Webpage. A warm welcom is extended to All Clubs New Zealand visitors looking for a game of Darts Club Nights: Each Thurdsay, Names registered by 6.45pm, play starts 7.00pm Our Members compete in the local Chartered Club 4’s Series and Club Championships which are closed events. Our calender can be a bit …
Outdoor Bowls
St John’s Outdoor Bowls Adjunct An adjunct formed by bowlers from various bowling clubs to have a body to organise attending Clubs New Zealand National & North Island Outdoor Bowls tournaments. Clubs New Zealand 2015 North Island Ladies Outdoor Bowls Tournament. Clubs New Zealand 2016 National Men’s Outdoor Bowls Tournament
8 Ball
Welcome to the St John’s 8 Ball Adjunct. A warm welcome is extended to all Clubs New Zealand visitors looking for a game of 8 Ball. The adjunct convenes each Thursday with names in by 6.30pm. Mode of play for the day is at the Club Captains discretion with some nights “Play your own Ball” and others Combo Rules.